Our corporate structure

The Police Association Victoria (TPAV) is a registered public company (non-profit), Limited by Guarantee, under the Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth) and is accordingly regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

As a ‘Company Limited by Guarantee’, TPAV is obliged to adhere to key governance principles such as ‘one vote per member’, must reinvest financial surpluses and adopt stringent governance requirements.   

TPAV is governed in accordance with its Constitution which sets out the rules by which it regulates the relationships between its elected Board, administration, elected representatives and its members. The TPAV Constitution also regulates the manner in which its finances are managed.

TPAV is also a ‘Registered Organisation’ under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 by virtue of its status as the Victoria Police branch of the Police Federation of Australia, (PFA) the peak national police union body which represents over 60,000 sworn officers across the country’s nine (9) policing jurisdictions. The Victoria Police Branch of the PFA exists as its own separate legal entity with its own set of rules.  

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