Who we are
TPAV is broadly made up by a Board, the Administration & the Membership.
TPAV is governed by an elected Board that provides strategic policy direction for its administration staff, led by the Secretary, to actively manage and implement for the benefit of its membership.
Our Board, led by the President, is comprised of 12 serving members who are directly elected by the TPAV membership.
The day-to-day administration and running of TPAV is managed by its Secretary (CEO) who is supported by an Assistant Secretary, a six-person management team and 52 staff.
TPAV has a network of 59 Workplace Delegates (representing geographical areas across the state and key Victoria Police Departments) who serve as a vital conduit between its members and its Board and Administration. All Delegates are current serving members and are directly elected by the membership to serve in their TPAV role.
TPAV's membership is comprised of more than 18,000 sworn police officers and PSOs across Victoria Police, representing 98 percent of the entire sworn staff of Victoria Police.
The Board is `Chaired’ by the President, while The Secretary is the Chief Administrative Official of the Police Association (and the Chief Executive of the Police Federation, Victoria Branch)