Police stuff-up accidentally encourages officers working in quarantine to use public transport

Broadcast on 3AW on 12 May 2021

A communication stuff-up led to police working in hotel quarantine accidentally being encouraged to catch public transport.

A directive was sent out to officers working in quarantine hotels instructing them to use public transport to travel to and from work.

But Police Association Secretary Wayne Gatt says it was a “miscommunication”, and both the union and police command do not want officers working in hotel quarantine to travel on trains, trams or buses.

“I’ve read the email. It, I think, misconstrues what the intent of the parties has always been, and it is to absolutely try and make sure our members, as much as possible, are using vehicles to eliminate the need for them to be on public transport,” he told Neil Mitchell.

“I’ve spoken to senior police command this morning and we’ve affirmed that we’re both on the same page here.

“Senior command have assured me that this miscommunication will be fixed and will be fixed very, very quickly.”

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